Thank you for your interest! We are an extended family striving to offer serenity & enjoyment to our guests. We want to continue growing in the experiences we can provide for you, our customer, and would greatly appreciate your feedback for how we’re doing and what you’d like to see us offer. Following is a summary of who we are and how we got started here on Fir Island.

Blake’s Resort is nestled in a final nook of the majestic Skagit river’s bend on its journey seaward, a short walk from the estuary and Skagit bay’s wildlife refuge. It’s encompassed by the serene landscape of the Cascades, Mount Baker, Mount Rainier, the San Juan Islands, and the Olympic mountains.

My grandparents and father became lucky enough to call this Skagit sanctuary ‘home’ in 1976. With the help of my Grandmother, I’d love to bring you on a journey into our history with this incredible place.

For decades, Fishermen and their families have enjoyed the abundant waters of the Magic Skagit from our location. The Skagit is legendary for its salmon runs- especially the huge Kings. My grandparents would bring my dad and his siblings to the resort, back then known as ‘Phil’s Landing,’ for weekends full of friends, fishing and fun.

‘Fishtown’- the famous floating gillnetting village turned artist colony- is just across and downriver where some structures remain to boast their historic quality.

In 1975, after many prayers and hard work, my grandparents and father realized their dream of buying this unique property & business. They remodeled the restaurant which quickly became known for Grandma’s apple pies & the gigantic “Skagit burger” with fresh cut Skagit grown potato fries. Tourists and locals alike would to frequent the cafe, including one of the founding members of fishtown and now well known author Tom Robbins.

A large shop came with the property and Dad cultivated his boat building expertise. He built many fiberglass boats, some you’ll still see motoring up and down the Skagit, along with two large boats that we keep moored here at the resort.

We hosted things like fishing derbys, had families that would come spend the whole summer with their kids who’s company my brother & I enjoyed endlessly.

I moved away in 1992, and recently returned to help Grandma manage the resort and give it the TLC that it deserves. We plan on renovation and innovation to continue enhancing the experience of our guests. Your feedback and ideas are very much appreciated!